
Why hello there, Paranormal Pals.

Welcome to the Thunderdo— I mean The Secret Society of the Spooky Sisterhood!

Let’s make this our weekly date. And just like any other date with me, I can assure you will get a healthy dose of both weirdness and sarcasm. Every other week will be about something ghosty (or cryptid-y? Maybe alien-y?), then the weeks in between will be something I’m currently calling The Chicken’s Guide. Both will be fun, informative, maybe a little juicy, and hopefully stir up some voracious internet fights. (that last part was my famous sarcasm.)

So what is The Chicken’s Guide? Well, I’m glad you asked. Here’s the thing- I love spooky things. Ever since I was a kid I liked Halloween and mystery books and creepy stories. I had my first paranormal experience when I was about ten years old, and aside from one particularly scary ghost story I was told on the school bus, I never was too scared about stuff like all that.

HOWEVER. I never watched horror movies or even things like Are You Afraid of the Dark because I *was* afraid of blood and gore and all that. It wasn’t until I was in grad school studying screenwriting that I ever gave the genre a chance. I’d tried to write a comedy film my first semester and it was an absolute disaster, so when I went back the second semester, I decided I’d give my classmates the middle finger for not laughing at my first script, by attempting to write a horror film. Joke was on me because it actually went over super well. My professor and classmates suggested films to watch so I could brush up on my knowledge, and I haven’t looked back.

Okay, okay. What does this have to do with chickens? Despite my love for the genre and how much I love paranormal-related scary stuff, I still can’t handle blood and guts. So my wimpy ass likes to read up on movies before I watch them. That way I can find out how gory they are before I jump in. That’s not the kind of surprise I like to get. Sometimes I even ask my friends to watch ahead of me and tell me if they think I can make it through. So The Chicken’s Guide is going to be my way of paying it forward. I’ll give a quick general review of the movie (or whatever that week's topic may be) and then also talk about what kind of things to watch out for, if you’re a scaredy cat like me.

In addition to the weekly blog, as a Patron you’ll also have access to our private, moderated “Spooky Sisterhood” Discord server. A few months back I was working on another project focusing on women in the paranormal and I put a post out on social media that got a ton of responses. Something a lot of folks commented on was the need to connect with more women in the community. By keeping the server private and having someone to moderate the content, the goal is to have a safe spot to get to know likeminded people from all over the world. I’m so excited to share that with all of you and to get to know you!

Eventually, the Patreon will support additional content, but I wanted to start slow and take the time to build our community and get to know one another. On that note, I wanted to answer a couple questions I’ve received about the group.

Q- Is it really women only? Who can join?

A- Anyone can join! This is meant to be a safe, inclusive, judgment-free zone. The only requirements are that you agree to abide by the rules of The Secret Society of the Spooky Sisterhood, which basically boils down to treating everyone with kindness and respect. While the name includes “Sisterhood”, everyone is welcome!

Q- Why the name? It’s a mouthful, and it’s kind of silly.

A- I’m a big fan of silly. I’m a big fan of alliteration. And I’m a big fan of old school mysteries and Scooby-Doo and that kind of stuff. This felt like a silly, alliterative, Scooby-Doo mystery name. Right? Anyway, it made me smile, and I hope it makes you smile too. 🙂

Before I sign off, I want to encourage you to check out the Spooky Sisterhood social media accounts, because there you’ll find information on how you can enter our exciting Hauntdown to Halloween Giveaway. Every week until October 31, I’ll be drawing people’s names to win a prize, and each of the prizes will showcase a different woman in our paranormal community! You don’t want to miss out on that!

Well friends, if you enjoyed this, I hope you’ll sign up to read more! Next week I’ll be writing about one of my all-time very favorite topics and I can’t wait!

Until next time, Happy Haunting, hon! 🖤


Welcome Foolish Mortals!