Reiki Master….and Exorcist?

Since becoming an Usui/Holy Fire®III Reiki Master this year, I've been guided down a scary, but spiritually fulfilling path. With reiki, we're channeling divine healing energy to help clients with physical, emotional and spiritual aliments. Reiki sessions are loving, peaceful, beautiful experiences that are healing for the client and the reiki practitioner.

However, there is a little-known reiki technique that most don’t know about. Through the Holy Fire® Reiki Spirit Release technique, we can also remove any spirit attachments people may have. Not all spirit attachments are malicious. Some are confused souls who don’t know they’re dead. They just need a little nudge to go to God’s light. With this technique, reiki can be that nudge.

However, there are other spirit attachments who do wish to do us harm. These negative entities are parasitic in nature, as they latch onto our energy fields through our auras. They use us to experience human life - with all it’s pleasures and pain - and to feed off our energy. Because they are low vibrational, dark creatures, they need to keep their hosts in low vibrational emotional states, keeping people perpetually angry, depressed, anxious, addicted and miserable.

No matter their intention towards us, spirit attachments are always a problem for their hosts, whether it’s physically with illness and weakness or emotionally with depression and addiction or spiritually with a complete disconnection from God. Since these entities don’t have material 3D bodies and live at an energetic level, we humans can’t see them with the naked eye, so most of the time we are completely unaware that we have anything attached to us that’s also causing us great harm.

Many people being led to me for healing have needed this service - so much so, that it’s become a major component of my reiki practice. Most of the spirits or entities I’ve helped to release have been only benign freeloaders, but a few have been genuinely dangerous.

A military veteran with PTSD came to me for help cleansing and healing what he felt were negative energies stuck inside that were keeping him angry, depressed and completely dependent on alcohol to function in life. He knew he needed help lightening his energetic load before his 2nd Ayahuasca retreat if he wanted to make more progress on his healing journey.

The day of his session was the most harrowing day of my life.

With Spirit's help we discovered an entity (an octopus-like creature with millions of tentacles) attached to his head and back. It was a hopeless feeling black, had a sticky tar-like texture and heavy/angry energy. Completely demonic.

As Spirit worked to release this entity’s grip on my client, I could feel its seething anger and diabolical menace. My client began to talk in different voices, saying inappropriate things and asking offensive questions. I knew it wasn’t my client speaking any longer and it was the entity fighting back. While the entity assaulted me with insults and negative energy, I sent my client divinely healing reiki energy, until finally three hours later, Spirit told me the release was complete. After such an intense and lengthy session, I was relieved to hang up the phone.

But, that’s when the real terror began. Immediately after I hung up, urgent and persistent mental downloads from my spirit team came rushing in. Messages telling me that I needed to get into a salt bath ASAP to spiritually cleanse myself, as the entity was now lightly attached to me. I was like, “Um, excuse me? Attached? You guys are supposed to protect me!” Apparently (and unbeknownst to human me - my higher self was well aware of the plan), I had energetically trapped this evil being, so that my spirit team and God could bring it into the light, once and for all.

So, after spending three hours working with my client, I worked another three hours with my spirit team as I meditated in a cold salt bath - cleansing and protecting the areas the entity had attached itself to my aura. During this time, my lights flickered, I smelled foul odors and I could feel the sticky texture of this thing on my skin. At times, I even caught glimpses of the entity’s black oily residue in the water.

It was a battle for sure, but one I'm happy to report has a very happy ending.

I got a follow up call from this man. His second Ayahuasca experience was life changing for him. He was able to heal many of the areas the entity had weakened and damaged in his soul. He hasn’t completely stopped drinking, but he completely stopped binge drinking or getting drunk. He’s handling his PTSD much better, and he's got a new, optimistic outlook on life. He’s like a brand new man. He was so appreciative which made me feel really good.

I’m beyond grateful that I was able to help him with such an unusual aliment, even though at the time, it was a frightening and confusing experience for me as well. After seeing the positive impact the spirit release has made on his life, I’m more determined to help more people get rid of the spirit attachments that might be plaguing them.

To learn more, please email me at


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